Adwoa Smart, known in real life as Belinda Naa Ode Oku, recently shared that she is not in a relationship at the moment. During an interview with Nana Romeo on Accra 100.5 FM’s Ayekoo Ayekoo midmorning show, she emphasized that dating is not part of her current plans. “Dating is not part of my plans at all for this moment,” she stated. She explained further, “You only engage in some of these things when you have sorted out some critical things in your life.”
While she confessed that she is not a virgin, Adwoa made it clear she does not lead a promiscuous lifestyle. “My mind is on more important things,” she remarked, underscoring her focus on personal growth.
Adwoa Smart also revealed her aversion to relationship-related stress, explaining that it is another factor keeping her from dating. “You’d get into a relationship only to find out your partner is married or with someone else,” she lamented. “Due to this, I don’t like these things.”
Asked whether she had any suitors, Adwoa smiled and shared, “I get advances all the time, by God’s grace.” However, she is cautious about whom she entertains. “These are great men but I’m only being careful so I turn them down.” She added, “In God’s own time, I will give someone a chance.”
Although she has been in relationships before, Adwoa revealed that she has never been married. She also mentioned that she has been a mother in the past, bringing a note of personal history to the conversation.
Cyecyeku has started the year strong with his new track Keep Moving, featuring Rap Fada. The song, brimming with positivity, highlights Cyecyeku’s journey from humble origins to notable success. Through this track, he delivers an uplifting message of perseverance and hope.
Keep Moving is an emotional tribute to the blessings he has experienced after overcoming life’s obstacles. With his soulful voice and thoughtful lyrics, Cyecyeku invites listeners to embrace resilience and optimism. Rap Fada’s verse adds depth to the song, aligning perfectly with the heartfelt message of the track.
The song’s production is top-tier, with renowned producer WillisBeatz handling the mixing, mastering, and overall production quality, giving the song a polished and impactful sound. Keep Moving is not just a personal reflection for Cyecyeku, but a motivational anthem for his audience.