Highlife artist Akwasi Opoku, known as Kwaisey Pee, recently shared that many younger musicians have developed a dislike for him, attributing it to his blunt advice. In an interview with Joy Prime’s Roselyn Felli on the Changes show, he expressed that his honest approach often leads people to wrongly interpret his words as hatred.
“Whenever I speak out, they think I’m hating on someone or that I don’t like the younger generation. They say all kinds of things,” Kwaisey Pee explained.
When asked if his forthrightness has caused younger musicians to distance themselves from him, he confirmed it, recalling how some turned down his collaboration offers. Despite this, he remains unconcerned, stating that Ghanaians, in particular, are reluctant to accept candid feedback.
“A year or two ago, I reached out to some of them for collaborations, but they turned me down because they felt I criticize them too much. They asked, ‘Why would they collaborate with me?’ And I’ve come to realize it’s part of us; as Ghanaians, we don’t want to be spoken to directly,” he said.
Kwaisey Pee emphasized that young musicians should heed the guidance of their elders to advance their careers. However, in 2025, he plans to refrain from commenting on any artist to avoid further conflict.